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REFA…..is a household name in Germany.
REFA…..is taught in every engineering class in German Universities.
REFA…..is the basic knowhow of every industrial production engineer in Germany.
REFA…..is the basis of success of German engineering in the last 90 years.
REFA…..is the groundwork for understanding your processes in production, service, and finance.

What is REFA?

Founded in 1924, REFA has been firmly established in nearly every German company and now many international companies as THE tool to measure process details.
REFA can make every process transparent.
If a process is transparent, it can be improved easily.
If it can be improved easily, it can be digitalized easily.
Thus REFA is the building block of Industry 4.0.
REFA is a proven method to analyze and measure process steps, process time intervals, category of process steps and also their financial implication.
REFA is a method to optimize the humanity of workplaces and to create a safe and productive work environment.
REFA is not yet accessible in China. REFA is very German. Many training details are only available in German.
SYGSSC has now acquired the REFA license for China. And delivers REFA in Chinese language. For international firms in China in English or German, and in many cases also bilingual with co-trainers as translators. SYGSSC has made the basic REFA books available in Chinese language.
Now you can book REFA trainings for your employees and even have your people become REFA teachers.